
Comedy with a Cause 

In a recent study released by the American Justice Department Bulling statics show that 1 out of every 4 children will experience violence and bulling sometime in their adolescence. Violence among the nation’s youth is on the rise via access to the social media made available to youth through MySpace, face book, instagram etc. Over this past year Chicago has regrettable become the poster child across the nation as it pertains to gun violence and a alarming number of shootings and killings that has polarized the people from the south and Westside communities in Chicago.

Additional alarming statics show that teen violence is the leading cause of death among African American students and youth living in at risk communities. 17% of the youth polled nationwide reported that they had secretly obtained and carried a weapon at least once a gun, knife or club out of fear for their personal safety. Teen violence has impacted property value, medical cost and left families experiencing loss of life from these senseless crimes with the high cost of funeral expenses and grief.

All of the above mentioned facts coupled with unemployment, illiteracy, poor housing, hunger, single parent homes, teen moms, gangs, guns, drugs and violence and lack of alternative resources have become a death sentence for families living in these communities.

Immediate intervention is the key to confronting this ongoing crisis and ending the violence that is plaguing youth around the country. The bulling and violence that children and teens are experiencing transcends all economic, cultural and social backgrounds. Our youth are being killed at alarming rates. A call to action is now.

For this reason Women Working Together has decided to embark upon hosting an event that we felt would be of great benefit to men and their families. Thus the incision of the Father’s Day All Star Comedy Jam ( Comedy with a Cause) “Turning the hearts of the children back to the fathers” An effort to bring families together in a social environment that celebrates commitment fatherhood, family and community. We are inviting you to join us in this effort to getting the word out about this wonderful event as we pledge our support in solidarity to begin a process of peace and healing. With summer around the corner, the time is now. Together we can make a difference!.